If you have finished your self-portrait you need to save your file as a jpeg in medium resolution and post it to your blog. Additionally, you need to flatten your Photoshop file so it is all on one layer. This means you will no longer be able to edit your layers individually but it will make your file more manageable. We are going to attempt to print your Photoshop files in class as long as the printer cooperates. Because the printer is finicky we will print your files one at a time (do not attempt to print without my approval). Lastly, you need to answer these 4 questions THOUGHTFULLY and post your answers to your blog.
1. What was the initial inspiration for your self-portrait?
2. Why did you choose the images that you used in your self-portrait?
3. What was your plan of attack in terms of the layout/composition of your self-portrait?
4. In retrospect, what would you change about your self-portrait to make it even more successful?